Want to write a book?

Writing Coach




As an author and qualified psychotherapist, my passions are motivating and writing. So now I get to incorporate these two elements by offering a service that just might interest those of you who want to write a book or are struggling with finishing one.

The journey of idea to book can be long, arduous and full of self doubt.

Whether you have always wanted to write your life story, self publish or become a traditionally published author with one of the ‘Big Five’ – as a Writing Coach and Mentor I’ll be on hand to provide consultation services on a regular basis, whether this be weekly, monthly, or as-needed. There’s so much to talk about too- the actual craft of writing, setting realistic and attainable goals, the ever evolving writing business, as well as motivational techniques to keep you writing. We can also discuss the best way to pitch to agents and how to get your manuscript ready for self –publication.

Services can include;

– Light Editing

– Manuscript Review

– Synopsis

– Story Construction

– Conflict

– The Hero’s Journey Plot (Character Archetypes)

– Characterisation

– Beginning, Middle & End



One-to-One Coaching & Mentoring Services:

– Initial 25 minute Skype Consultation: $Free

– Hourly Skype Consultation:  $40/hr (£35/hr)

– Ongoing evaluation of sample pages of novel/synopsis/outline: $3.00 (£2.50) a page*


Manuscript Services:

– Written evaluation and critique for a sample of your novel of up to 20,000 words: $200 (£180)*






Nicole Scott
I attended a workshop taught by Lola at the AJC Decatur Book Festival. Her class was great. She brought plenty of material, gave feedback on our writing, and gave examples of how to ignite our creativity. If you have an opportunity to take her classes it will be well worth it!

Sharolyn Banks Shealey
This is an awesome and fun workshop! Lola gives wonderful insight and breaks the writing process down, making it feel less intimidating.

I highly recommend this workshop to anyone interested!


*(double spaced/one sided/Ariel 12) $3.00 (£2.50) a page.